Wednesday, September 11, 2013

INFO FOR GRADE 12 FAMILIES/HDSB Full Disclosure Date Revision 2013/2014

HDSB Full Disclosure Date Revision 2013/2014

The “full disclosure date” is the date after which grade 11 and 12 courses dropped from a student’s course of study remain on the student’s transcript.   In order to allow students and families additional time to consider course options, the semester 1 full disclosure date has been changed to Monday November 25 (was to be November 7), and the semester 2 full disclosure date has been changed to Wednesday April 30 (was to be April 22).  Grade 9 and 10 dropped courses do not remain on a student’s transcript regardless of the date of withdrawal from a course.

At various times through the school year, application information is uploaded from schools to the college and university application centres.   The OUAC (Ontario University Application Centre) and OCAS (Ontario College Application Service) upload dates will remain the same and are determined by the Centre and Service not the school boards.  The OUAC semester 1 upload date is Friday November 8, on this date OUAC receives demographic information and past marks but not current mid-term marks.  The OCAS upload is Monday November 18, on this date OCAS receives demographic information, past marks, and current mid-term marks.  

Courses dropped prior to the full-disclosure date are marked as a deletion on the transmission to OUAC and OCAS at the end of the semester, whereas courses dropped after full disclosure are marked as a “withdrawal” with a mark at the time of course withdrawal recorded.  Deleted courses do not remain on a student’s transcript.

Please speak with a counsellor in your student services or guidance department for more information.


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